Start Your Own Fundraiser

Home / Start Your Own Fundraiser

[dt_sc_hr_invisible_large /][dt_sc_h2 type=”type1″ class=””][/dt_sc_h2][dt_sc_one_third first][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”decimal” variation=”turquoise” class=””]

  1. Non uniform day for schools or offices
  2. Snowden challenge or three peak challenge
  3. Casino evening
  4. Brass Band Evening
  5. Pie and peas Evening
  6. Cheese and wine Evening
  7. Working BBQ
  8. Scratch card or Football card

[/dt_sc_fancy_ol][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_one_third ][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”decimal-leading-zero” variation=”pink” class=””]

  1. Sponsored walk
  2. Pub Quiz
  3. Race Night
  4. Supermarket bag packing
  5. Auction
  6. Art Exhibition
  7. Host speed date night/singles night
  8. Coffee & Cake Morning

[/dt_sc_fancy_ol][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_one_third ][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”lower-alpha” variation=”mustard” class=””]

  1. Cutting hair or shaving beard
  2. Summer BBQ
  3. Children’s summer day such as an egg and spoon race
  4. Easter Egg Hunt
  5. Jam making demonstrations
  6. Jam Selling
  7. Cake sales at school or events
  8. Darts Tournament

[/dt_sc_fancy_ol][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][dt_sc_one_third first][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”lower-roman” variation=”violet” class=””]

  1. Dress down day in work
  2. Fashion Show
  3. Fancy dress or Halloween parties
  4. Garden Party
  5. Indoor games evening
  6. Scones and strawberries afternoon
  7. Jumble Sale
  8. Hike and soup supper

[/dt_sc_fancy_ol][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_one_third ][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”upper-alpha” variation=”blue” class=””]

  1. Karaoke
  2. Quit Smoking
  3. Sponsored silence
  4. Swear Box
  5. Sponsored Swim
  6. Local businesses to donate items
  7. Raft Racing
  8. Teddy bear picnic and story time

[/dt_sc_fancy_ol][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_one_third ][dt_sc_fancy_ol style=”upper-roman” variation=”chocolate” class=””]

  1. Tug of War
  2. Variety show
  3. Christmas Party
  4. Golf tournament
  5. Ask schools to become involved
  6. Charity Days at School
  7. Guess the substance blindfolded
  8. Tombola

[/dt_sc_fancy_ol][/dt_sc_one_third][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][dt_sc_h2 type=”type1″ class=””]More Ideas…[/dt_sc_h2][dt_sc_one_fourth first][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”tree” variation=”turquoise” class=””]

  • Raffle
  • Treasure hunt in the park
  • Car Boot
  • Talent Show
  • Comic show
  • Murder Mystery day
  • Lucky dip
  • Bingo

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_one_fourth ][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”star” variation=”pink” class=””]

  • Human fruit machine
  • Crisp key rings
  • Friendship Bands
  • Masquerade Ball
  • Sack Race
  • Limbo contest
  • Quiz sheets
  • Pyjama Day

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_one_fourth ][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”smile” variation=”mustard” class=””]

  • Guess the baby
  • Beauty Contest
  • Coconut shire
  • Facepainting
  • Wishing Well
  • Name the fish
  • Arts & Craft
  • Barn Dance

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_one_fourth ][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”music” variation=”violet” class=””]

  • Cover a picture with coins
  • Fastest eating beans with a cocktail stick
  • Egg painting
  • International food night
  • Body waxing
  • Jelly eating with chop sticks
  • Magic Show
  • Musical chairs

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_hr_invisible_medium /][dt_sc_one_fourth first][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”car” variation=”blue” class=””]

  • Obstacle course
  • Pancake Day
  • Welly throwing competition
  • Three-legged Race
  • Scramble dressing up
  • Fashion Bag Competition
  • Baked Bean Bath
  • Guess the baby

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_one_fourth ][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”moon” variation=”chocolate” class=””]

  • Bake-athon
  • Abseil
  • Skydive
  • Arm Wrestling Competition
  • Battle of the Bands
  • Come Dine With Me
  • Dog Walking
  • Happy Hour

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_one_fourth ][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”graduation-cap” variation=”burnt_orange” class=””]

  • Jog-athon
  • Old Book Sale
  • Shed some Pounds
  • Shave your head
  • Bunjee Jump
  • Sports Quiz
  • Run-athon
  • Walk-athon

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][dt_sc_one_fourth ][dt_sc_fancy_ul style=”reddit” variation=”red” class=””]

  • Payroll Donation
  • Pet Show
  • Photograph Competition
  • Walk to work/school for a week
  • Worm Charming
  • Swap Shop
  • Stage a Pantomine
  • End of Season Dinner

[/dt_sc_fancy_ul][/dt_sc_one_fourth][/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_text_separator title=”Downloads”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][vc_cta h2=”Check out the downloads section” style=”3d” color=”purple” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Fundraising Downloads” btn_link=”|title:Fundraising%20Downloads||”]

Don’t forget to have a look on our fundraising downloads section which has some useful resources!

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